Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. Today, I have an assignment to report my listening short stories. I think this task is similar to the previous assignment I have made. Yes, the material for today is about short stories. I should choose the story, listen, and make three reports. I decided to listen short stories on google podcast and youtube. So, if you read my reports, I hope you enjoy reading them. ❤❤❤



Title    : Holiday Problems

Source: Google Podcast

Link   :

Author : Unknown

Date of listening : February 18, 2021

Description about the text 

     The story is about two best friends. They are John and David, who have a different opinion when they want to take a vacation on holiday. They want vacation according to countries they wish to visit themselves. John wanted to visit Germany and David wanted to visit Denmark. Because they cannot go alone, John had an idea to visit both countries, so David agreed with his idea. 

Comment about the text

     I like the story because the story is quite short and the vocabulary is easy to understand. Also I like the character John. He is a smart person, he can find solution to their problems. 

Something New

    From the story I know new vocabulary like wildlife and I learned about the moral value that teaches us to agree with our common decision between someone with his or her friends.



Title        : My sister stole my diary and now I become her puppet

Source    : Youtube 

Link        :

Author    : Unknown

Date of listening : February 20, 2021

Description about the text 

    The text tells about Vivian who hated her sister, Lena. Because she is younger than Lena, Vivian was always treated badly by her sister. They had never been close since childhood. It is a problem for Vivian, so she started writing a diary to help her problem. However, her diary was stolen by her sister. 

Comment about the text

    I don't really like this story because I think the story tell more about Vivian's sister bad attitude. She considered Vivian like a puppet who could be ordered to do everything and she had taken Vivian's diary without permission. So, I thought it was natural that Vivian hated her sister.

Something New

    From the story I found a new vocabulary such as puppet, resent, and ransack. For the information, while I'm listening the story I think the vocabulary "steal" is "still" so I'm confused about which vocabulary is correct, because I think that the pronunciation of "steal" and "still" is almost the same. 



Title        : Am I a boy or a girl? Even my parents can't tell

Source    : Youtube 

Link        :

Author    : Unknown 

Date of listening : February 20, 2021

Description about the text 

    The story is about a girl named George.  Her name is like a boy, but George is actually a girl. She behaves like a boy because before she was born, her parents had a son who had died. They couldn't forget their first child. So her parents treated George as their son not their daughter.

Comment about the text

    I like this story because it contains moral values ​​that we need to learn. From the actions of characters, we must be honest with others about ourselves.

Something new

    Now, I know the meaning of the new vocabulary, such as distraught and upset. I found the moral value of the story from George's parents. Her parents should be able to face reality and not live a lie. Also, if we become parents, we need to accept our children for who they are and not try to make them someone they are not.

What would I do if I were the main character...

    If I become George, I will talk the truth to my parents and other people. Actually I am a girl and I want my parents to realize and know my feelings. I feel uncomfortable if I was treated like a boy.

I think those are my listening reports for today, Wait for my update in the next report.☺

That's all from me. Thank you. 


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