Hi everyone! These are my listening report  about news video with text.



Title     : Bodycam video released of gunman who opened fire at outdoor Christmas concert

Source :

Date of listening : March 12, 2021

Description about the text 

     This news is about a gunman caught on camera firing a gun at the Saint John cathedral, Divine in New York. Police said the gunman had two guns and he fired five shots into the air after a Christmas concert at the cathedral there.

Comment about the text

     This news really made people who attended an event at cathedral nervous.  They would be traumatized if the shooting incident happened again. Places of worship are often the target of crime. For this reason, security in places of worship, especially cathedrals, must be strictly guarded.

Something new 

  From the video I found new vocabulary that I don not know the meaning, such as footage, chaos, and despite. And also I learned from the people in the cathedral to stay alert when a crime suddenly comes.



Title     : Grandparents reunite with love ones

Source :

Date of listening : March 14 , 2021

Description about the text 

     The news is about a great-grandmother named Julia Fullkerson and her great-grandchild named Brody who have a close relationship with each other. After Brody's great-grandmother was vaccinated, he did activities with Brody.

Comment about the text

     The news provides good and happy news for the audience. In covid 19 pandemic, we have to keep our distance from each other, but after we get vaccinated we can see and meet our families again.

Something new 

  Now I can know the meaning of new vocabulary perseverance. And also I learned from the news that I can feel that family is everything. So, I want to do activities like Brody spending his time with his family, especially with his great-grandmother.



Title     : Philiphines reef littered with face masks 

Source :

Date of listening : March 14 , 2021

Description about the text 

     The news is about divers named Shala and Oliver who saw the phenomenon of mask waste being dumped in the sea at Anilao, Batangas of the Philippines. When they dived for the first time after the lockdown, they also found mask rubbish, face shields and plastic bottles on the seabed.

Comment about the text

      The news is very concerning. After the people who visit there throw garbage in the sea, the consequence will be water pollution and the possibility that marine life living in the sea will consume mask and plastic bottles. As a result, marine life will die easily.

Something new 

   I can find new vocabulary such as stuff, adequate, reef, nurture, and disposable. In addition, I learned from divers that we must care about marine life and also that we should be able to care for marine life to keep it beautiful.

What the expert says :

That's all my 4th listening report. Thank you.


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